Forget about endless searching for the perfect router and scrolling through an eternity of reviews and specifications! We have created a single affordable home access point that has all the features you might need for years to come.
Is your old router struggling to reach every corner of your home? Well, forget about that! We have included external high gain wireless antennas with outstanding coverage. Only strong and stable wireless connection in every room from now on!
With 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 256 MB of RAM and quad-core CPU, hAP ac³ can satisfy even the biggest and most demanding households. With PoE support, it can power or be powered by other devices. There is a 128 MB NAND and a full-size USB port that you can use to add extra storage. The new enclosure allows mounting the device vertically or horizontally. A wall mount set is also included.
The device has an operating system preinstalled and licensed. No separate purchase is necessary and the product is ready to use. The device includes free software updates for the life of the product or a minimum of 5 years starting from date of purchase..
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