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This device lets you use any 48V PoE source (including Passive PoE, nTelecom PoE, 802.3af and 802.3at) to power RouterBOARD devices.n
Simply plug any* 48V PoE powered ethernet cable into one port, and nany 8-30V capable RouterBOARD device into the other. This device is ncapable to provide high power output - up to 24W (up to 1A at 24V). n
You can power it with virtually any 42-57V PoE solutions available non market today (Passive, Telecom, 802.3af and 802.3at PoE plus nsupported)n
The device is a rugged metallic design, with high capacity ncomponents and integrated heatsink design. The case also has mounting nholes so you can attach it to a wall. n
Ethernet shield pins are inside the Ethernet connectors, so that nshielded ethernet can be used, to ground either at the converter itself,n or at the devices at both ends. n
* - Device works with Gigabit devices, but they will only link at 10/100 speed.